reorganize|reorganized|reorganizes|reorganizing in English

verb reorganize (Amer.)

[re·or·gan·ize || ‚rɪː'ɔrgənaɪz /‚rɪː'ɔːgənaɪz]

rearrange, organize again (also reorganise)

Use "reorganize|reorganized|reorganizes|reorganizing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reorganize|reorganized|reorganizes|reorganizing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reorganize|reorganized|reorganizes|reorganizing", or refer to the context using the word "reorganize|reorganized|reorganizes|reorganizing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Lee had the unenviable task of reorganizing the department.

2. Matter is reorganized with life-generating results.

3. Could you reorganize your points?

4. Philanthropy is reorganizing itself before our very eyes.

5. " We must reorganize the strike committee!

6. How would you go about reorganizing the kitchen?

7. We need to reorganize this ramshackle system.

8. Their headquarters was reorganized into five regional offices.

9. He also reorganized and streamlined the army .

10. The Federals paused for some time to reorganize.

11. ◦ Reorganizing the interface for Nancy's quasi-serial access method (Braille).

12. Under optimal circumstances, reorganizing can help a struggling organization achieve any of these ends.

13. During the 1980s, the government reorganized the civil service.

14. Her idea for reorganizing the department will never work in practice.

15. We are considering how to reorganize the production process.

16. They brought Thant to Rangoon to lead the Educational Reorganizing Committee.

17. The new manager was delegated to reorganize the department.

18. The Communists reorganized as a social-democratic force.

19. The laboratory was reorganized as a separate establishment.

20. Fifth, must take the lead to reorganize carries out.

21. The decision to reorganize the company was a brilliant success.

22. The newly reorganized company is now in the black.

23. It took them seconds to pull themselves together and reorganize themselves.

24. ◦ Reorganizing the interface for Mary's serial access method (when she requests it).

25. The new managing director plans to completely reorganize this department.